Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008
More Filipinos Embrace Islam
This important and life~changing event happened on May 4, 2008 in Antipolo City, Philippines. More individuals have come to declare their intentions of embracing Islam and renewing their wedding vows as Muslims. This has been one of the many group shahadahs we are grateful to Allah for allowing us to witness and take part of.
All praises are due to Allah for the blessings and opportunities. May Allah guide us all.
Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008
Islam Story of Aisyah
Islam Story of Katia she is from Rusia.. Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
The Testimony of Faith
Chris Accepts Islam testimony of faith is about an American who has found the truth in life and makes a public testimony of faith humble your heart open your mind and enjoy
New Muslim Brother From San Francisco
New Muslim Brother From San Francisco by Syeikh Yusuf Estes
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
Zahra Charles New Muslim
presents interesting story about how Zahra and her husband and her family became Muslim. Ireland, Irish, Muslim. Afghanistan, India through to Malaysia. She met many wonderful and kind Muslim people and through research and study, she found Islam to be the real and correct way of life.
She eventually became Muslim in Ireland.
She found that Islam is good for society and good for the world, if people follow it properly. Her husband, her children also became Muslims.
She eventually became Muslim in Ireland.
She found that Islam is good for society and good for the world, if people follow it properly. Her husband, her children also became Muslims.
Senin, 20 Oktober 2008
Priests and Preachers enter Islam
This is a great Talk about how a Priest and Preachers came to the true understanding about Islam after all the Misconceptions they had had and then accepted it as a way of Life that is indeed from the Creator of the Heavens and the earth for the whole of mankind hope you enjoy
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008
Madelin from Canada converted to ISLAM
Madelin from Canada converted to islam after searching the true Sources of Islam.
British convert to Islam
A few lectures at Luton University by Shakeel Bheg and Jalal ibn Saeed and Tyrone decided to embrace Islam.
30.000 warga perancis masuk islam tiap tahun (French TV )
30.000 warga perancis masuk islam tiap tahun (French TV )
5 Orang masuk Islam dalam satu hari di German
Clip ini menayangkan 5 orang masuk islam, dalam sebuah masjid di German dibantu oleh Sheikh Pierre Vogel... Allahu Akbar
British Br. Steven takes shahada & enters Islam, Yusuf Estes
Former Britich Christian Steven's takes his Shahadah and becomes a Muslim at IslamBradford After a lecture by Brother Sheikh Yusuf Estes. Brother Yusuf gives him a quick welcome to Islam and talks about how all his previous sins would now be changed to good deeds and he is now like a new born baby without any sins. MashaAllah!
Iseng main game
Dari pada bengong main game Bloxorz
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How to read arabic fast
A lesson of how to read al-quran using the ITQAN method. It is a powerful method that can make you read al-quran with proper tajweed and makhrajal huruf in a short of time. The method was developed by Ust. Zuhri Muhammad Syazali, Lc. MA from Indonesia.
Iqra metode was developed by KH. As'ad Humam from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. that the good way to read arabic for non arabic speaker.
some one tell me about the diffrent iqra and itqan.
"It is indeed different. Just take a look the IQRA book. The IQRA book progress more slowly.The connected form is introduced in book 2 and kasrah only introduced in book 3. The other major difference the ITQAN method based on quran in rasm othmani, meanwhile IQRA used the quran which widely circulated in Indonesia (in rasm othmani script there is no upside dhammah like in Indonesian qur'an)"
than I thinks. ITQAN was same method with IQRA but revised book from iqra dan change rasm. great job..
Part 1 contains: Introductory to fathah vowelization, arabic alphabet from alif through za
Quran IQRA (part 1)
Part 2 contains: Introductory to fathah vowelization, arabic alphabet from sin through ghain.
Quran IQRA (part 2)
Part 3 contains: Kasrah vowelization, arabic alphabet from Tho through Ya.
Quran IQRA (part 3)
Part 4 contains: More on Kasrah-vowelization, Dhammah vowelization.
Quran IQRA (part 4)
Part 5 contains: Prolongation (medd) involving alif.
Quran IQRA (part 5)
Part 6 contains: More on prolongation with fathah, prolongation with kasrah.
Quran IQRA (part 6)
Part 7 contains: Prolongation with dhammah, letters without vowel (saakin letters), qalqalah (echoing effect).
Quran IQRA (part 7)
Part 8 contains: Tashdid and gunnah (nasalization).
Quran IQRA (part 8)
Part 9 contains: More on tashdid, alif lam qamariyah and shamsiyah, nunnation :izhar (clear).
How To Read Quran (Part 9)
Part 10 contains: Idgham Bi Gunnah and Bila Gunnah, Iqlab.
Quran IQRA (part 10)
Part 11 contains: Ikhfa (concealment)
Quran IQRA (part 11)
Part 12 contains: The law of mim saakin, medd jaiz and medd wajib (4 harakat prolongation).
Quran IQRA (part 12)
Part 13 contains: 6 harakat prolongation, reading the letters (such as alif lam mim) in the beginning surah.
Quran IQRA (part 13)
Iqra metode was developed by KH. As'ad Humam from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. that the good way to read arabic for non arabic speaker.
some one tell me about the diffrent iqra and itqan.
"It is indeed different. Just take a look the IQRA book. The IQRA book progress more slowly.The connected form is introduced in book 2 and kasrah only introduced in book 3. The other major difference the ITQAN method based on quran in rasm othmani, meanwhile IQRA used the quran which widely circulated in Indonesia (in rasm othmani script there is no upside dhammah like in Indonesian qur'an)"
than I thinks. ITQAN was same method with IQRA but revised book from iqra dan change rasm. great job..
Part 1 contains: Introductory to fathah vowelization, arabic alphabet from alif through za
Quran IQRA (part 1)
Part 2 contains: Introductory to fathah vowelization, arabic alphabet from sin through ghain.
Quran IQRA (part 2)
Part 3 contains: Kasrah vowelization, arabic alphabet from Tho through Ya.
Quran IQRA (part 3)
Part 4 contains: More on Kasrah-vowelization, Dhammah vowelization.
Quran IQRA (part 4)
Part 5 contains: Prolongation (medd) involving alif.
Quran IQRA (part 5)
Part 6 contains: More on prolongation with fathah, prolongation with kasrah.
Quran IQRA (part 6)
Part 7 contains: Prolongation with dhammah, letters without vowel (saakin letters), qalqalah (echoing effect).
Quran IQRA (part 7)
Part 8 contains: Tashdid and gunnah (nasalization).
Quran IQRA (part 8)
Part 9 contains: More on tashdid, alif lam qamariyah and shamsiyah, nunnation :izhar (clear).
How To Read Quran (Part 9)
Part 10 contains: Idgham Bi Gunnah and Bila Gunnah, Iqlab.
Quran IQRA (part 10)
Part 11 contains: Ikhfa (concealment)
Quran IQRA (part 11)
Part 12 contains: The law of mim saakin, medd jaiz and medd wajib (4 harakat prolongation).
Quran IQRA (part 12)
Part 13 contains: 6 harakat prolongation, reading the letters (such as alif lam mim) in the beginning surah.
Quran IQRA (part 13)
Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008
American Woman Converted To ISLAM After 9/11
Muslim After 9/11. She had many of her family members who died on September 11th. She studied Islamand came to find it to be quite different from what other people told her. . and the way the media percieved it to be. She reverted to Islam from her Catholic Faith. Now she is a Muslim teacher.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.
A German Physician and His Wife Converted to Islam
A german physician and his wife share their story of coming to Islam in a TV interview
Many Christian Africans Convert To ISLAM in South Africa
Many Christian Africans Convert Daily To ISLAM .. Live Shahadas From South Africa.
Allahu Akbar....
Allahu Akbar....
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Mexico's indigenous minority converting to Islam
Compared to other countries in Latin America with sizeable Muslim communities, Mexico's Muslim population is tiny.
In southern Mexico, the indigenous Mayan population is a minority.
But another minority is being created within that group, as more and more Mayans convert from Catholicism.
In Chiapas, Frank Contreras takes a look at how Islam is gaining a foothold in the region.
In southern Mexico, the indigenous Mayan population is a minority.
But another minority is being created within that group, as more and more Mayans convert from Catholicism.
In Chiapas, Frank Contreras takes a look at how Islam is gaining a foothold in the region.
Ex Katolik menerangkan sebabnya masuk Islam
Amad Shakur asks questions to Michelle Ashfaq who explains her path to Islam.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Malaysian Woman convert to Islam and tell the truth about Polygamy
Seorang wanita dari Malaysia memeluk Islam dan menyatakan kebenaraan tentang Poligami.. Alluakhbar
Pendeta Dr..Yahya Waloni masuk islam
Seorang Pendeta Mendapatkan Hidayah..
Salah satu ceramah beliau :
Part 1
Part 2
Salah satu ceramah beliau :
Part 1
Part 2
The Coptic Church: 1,8 juta kristen masuk Islam
On aljazeera TV 6/2/2008: The Coptic Church in Eygept testifies that 1,8 Million arab Christians embraced Islam in the last 36 years..
Bishop Maximos transferring from the Coptic Church the Recognition that there are between 80 to 200 coptic Christians are converting to Islam every day in Egypt alone ..
And he says that according to the audio recording of the senior Priests in the Coptic church which is recorded in the CD which is in his hand that there are more than 50,000 Arab Christians leaving Christianity and turning to Islam annually.
The names of priests and Bishops who were at the meeting recorded in that CD:
Bishop Anba Bakhumeos lake and the Directorate of liberation and Nitrite and five northern cities of the West Africa
Bishop Anba Taodharos the General Bishop of the Church of the lake in Egypt
Daniel General Bishop Anba
General Bishop Anba Moussa
Priest Anstasi Alsamuili: was the secretary Pope Shenouda ...... And others
And most members of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Seorang Katholik masuk Islam dan kisanya
Allahu Akbar... seorang katholik masuk Islam...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Seorang Wanita masuk Islam dan kisahnya
Alhamdulillah setelah kejadian 9/11 tambah banyak yg masuk Islam.. Allahuakbar
Two British Women Reverted to Islam
Dua Wanita Inggris memeluk Islam dibimbing oleh Syech Yusuf Estes. Allahu Akbar.
A Whole German Family Reverted to Islam
Alhamdulillah... satu keluarga di German masuk Islam.. Allahu Akbar.
14 Orang masuk Islam
Alhamdulillah, banyaknya pekerja non Islam yang bekerja di arab memeluk Islam... Allahu Akbar...
Why I reverted to Islam
Saudara Muhammad Memeluk Islam bulan January 26 2007.. Alhamdulillah, selamat mendengarkan sebab-sebab beliau masuk Islam.
Two German sisters revert to Islam
Alhamdulillah dua orang wanita German memeluk Islam, cuma suaranya kurang keras jadi ga terdengar dengan jelas..
Bagian I (Pembukaan, Tuhan, Horus, Yesus, Agama)
Part 1
Bagian II (9/11, WTC, Terorisme, CIA)
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Bagian III (Federal Reserve, Bank Sentral, Krisis Ekonomi, Perang, Iluminati)
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 1
Bagian II (9/11, WTC, Terorisme, CIA)
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Bagian III (Federal Reserve, Bank Sentral, Krisis Ekonomi, Perang, Iluminati)
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
kubuat sebuah blog untuk mengisi kekosngan dan lebih bermanfaat... wassalam
kubuat sebuah blog untuk mengisi kekosngan dan lebih bermanfaat... wassalam
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